Today, we are in the shop. Julie, Sadie, Corbin, and Jeremy are working on the script for the presentation at PPG Industries, which is scheduled for September 28th. The rest of the team are working on alignment of the wheels. Mr. Sparks, the Huntsville city schools Greenpower director, visited us today to help us improve our car. We hope to do our pusher and driver qualifications next week, if the weather is good, so that we can add more information to our presentation and script.
Inspiration of the Day: Don't look back, you're not going that way. Answer to the previous joke: Because they're always stuffed. With more to come, Jeremy and Maddox
Today, we came to the shop to clean up for the year. Sadie and Corbin worked on our PowerPoint for our presentation, while Will and Josh showed Sofia and Dani how to organize the tool box. Jeremy and Sean moved some of our inventory around so we could have more space in the shop, while Julie was sweeping. Morgan and Matt generally helped around with cleaning wherever they were needed.
Answer for previous riddle: Finland Joke of the day: Why are teddy bears never hungry? With more to come, Maddox and Morgan Today, we came to the shop to fix the alignment on the wheels. The alignment on our wheels are not proportional and we need to fix it. It will help us to win in our races. We are also teaching the newcomers how to fix the alignment so that they know what to do next year. Jeremy, Sadie, and Corbin are finishing our presentation for PPG Industries. We will be talking about our upcoming races and what we do in Greenpower. We will be advertising our website and presenting our car and fundraising ideas.
Riddle of the day: Where do fish go on vacation? With more to come, Maddox Today, we went to the shop instead of the classroom so we could check out the car and made some modifications and fixes to the car. Dani, Josh, Sean, and Sofia put the practice tires on and pumped them up. Morgan and Matt made sure that there were no mistakes the website. They also added more pictures to the gallery. Will and Julie worked on the presentations for PPG, and Corbin, Sadie, and Jeremy worked on the script for the PPG. We plan on doing the pusher and drive qualifications soon.
Inspiration of the day: You never know until you try. Answer to the previous joke: An investigator. With more to come, Maddox and Jeremy Today, we received our Greenpower t-shirts. This is good because we were able to take our team and presentation pictures for the yearbook. We are all continuing to work on the PPG presentation, and Sean is starting to assign parts for it. Morgan and Matt are continuing to fix and improve the details on our website.
Joke of the day: What do you call an alligator in a vest? With more to come, Jeremy and Maddox Today, we received great news! We have been asked to present at a local company, PPG. PPG is an industry that makes windows for planes. We will be presenting to them about the Greenpower program and what we do. The team is beginning to create a presentation and script to present to there. We are dividing up the information that we will present. Meanwhile, Morgan and Matt are double-checking the website to make sure there are no mistakes. Inspiration of the Day: Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you'll land among the stars! Answer to the Previous Riddle: Lunch and Dinner With more to come, Jeremy and Maddox Today, after practicing we had our school's principal and assistant principal come to our classroom so that we could present our fundraiser presentation. The presentation went well, and we had many ideas that she will likely approve, such as selling popsicles for 50 cents with our snack cart. On the other hand, there were some other ideas that she will talk to us about on a later date, because she still has some questions.
Riddle of the Day: What can't you have for breakfast? Answer to the Previous Joke: Frosted Snowflakes With more to come, Maddox and Jeremy Today, we practiced our presentation for our fundraisers that our principal will probably hear next week. Will called Tom and Jeffery's and they finally answered, we will be getting our number 95 stickers from them. We designed it the way we wanted and emailed them. Julie emailed a potential sponsor and Will wrote a sponsor letter.
Joke of the day: What do snowmen have for breakfast? Answer for previous riddle: Short With more to come, Maddox Today, we sorted the money that was donated last night at the open house. We also practiced our fundraiser ideas for our principal. Corbin is presenting a glow stick sale, and Will is doing a penny wars proposition. Sean is going to explain what the money will be used for. Josh will suggest to continue our snack car sales, which we have done last year. Maddox is presenting a Popsicle sale for Fridays after school. Jeremy believes Kona Ice fundraiser would be profitable. Julie wants to sell snacks at our veterans concert. Morgan thinks a Sweet Peas spirit night would be an excellent idea. Matt will present the idea of a student vs teacher basketball game-Greenpower vs. any teachers during 8th period. We'd charge for students who want to watch. Dani is planning on having a peppermint sale for students to buy. Sophia is presenting a Guess the Number of Candy sale ($1.00 to guess). Sadie will finish it off with more spirit nights. Riddle of the day: This five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it. What is the word? With more to come, Maddox,Morgan Today, we talked about what we where going to do tonight at open house. We will be handing out business cards, brochures, and asking for donations. Everyone got one subject that they will present on the power point, which we plan on showing to our principal sometime this week so we can do fundraisers to get more money for Greenpower. We are practicing our script for the fundraiser presentation.
Inspiration of the day: "Try your best and you will succeed." Answer for previous joke: Garbage truck With more to come, Maddox |
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