Today, we are in the shop!We are still fixing the car and putting in our side panels. Some of us are practicing our presentation parts. We are getting better at presenting! I am so proud of our team! Like I have said before, it's important we practice our presentation because we have to have it top notch. Tying in with race day, we got our jumpsuits in today. We are currently trying them on and Ms. Amos is adjusting them for us. They look pretty good! They have our last names on them because many people on the team have the same first name. On race day, we will have to wear shorts underneath them. We also have to wear our team shirts underneath too!
Race day is coming up super fast! 10 days ( Counting today) are left of the race day wait. We are super excited! As you know already, I said yesterday I would be adding Halloween/ race jokes to the blog. I will be doing this everyday leading up to race day. I feel as it will lift our spooky spirits and give us some race day confidence. We are so close to race day and it slowly coming to a close. Right after we get done with this race, we have to go ahead a prepare for our race next year. I am sorry for repeating this , but we are super duper excited for race day and cannot wait for it to be here. Also, I will be adding the race day schedule to every blog until race day. Today's Joke: Q: What do ghosts eat for supper? A: Spooketi With more to come, Green Grizzlies Race Day Schedule: October 31st, Saturday 8:00 AM - F-24 Team Setup 8:30 AM - Pre-Race Safety Meeting 9:00 AM - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:15 AM -Line up for Parade Walk 9:30 AM - Parade Walk 9:45 AM - Goblin Games 11:45 AM - F-24 Qualifying 12:45 PM - Staging of Cars 1:00 PM - F-24 Heat Race 2:45 PM Awards Ceremony
Happy Wednesday! Today, we are practicing our presentation for next Friday. So far, this is our first practice and we are a bit awkward but we will adjust soon enough. We do not have much time to practice and finalize our power point. That being said, we have to work very hard on the presentation and be very formal. We also have cancelled our practice for today, after school. We have received our side panels in and have to take our car apart . We will not have it put together by the end of today to do our 90 minute practice. As far as I know, we still have a practice on Friday, but it will be longer. Friday is our last 90 minute practice and it's important that we all be there. Some of us cannot make it, due to it being a half day. Our power point features our website and talks about the details of it. It includes our blog, "Meet the Team" tab , slide show, contact form, and home page. The power point also features our fundraising and sponsorship details.
On each day I blog, I will be posting the schedule for race day. I will be posting it leading up to the day of our race. Did I mention that our race is 11 days away ( counting today)? As I said before, our race day is zooming towards us as fast as our eyes can see. As soon as you know it, you will be on the bleachers at our race. We cannot wait for the race! We are super excited ! Leading up to the day of the race, I will be applying terrible Halloween/ race puns to the blog. I would also like to thank all the people who has donated to our team for our car. You have helped us accomplish so much! You have no idea how much we appreciate your help and donations. Today's terrible pun: Who won the skeleton beauty contest? No body. With more to come, Green Grizzlies Race Day Schedule: October 31st, Saturday 8:00 AM - F-24 Team Setup 8:30 AM - Pre-Race Safety Meeting 9:00 AM - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:15 AM -Line up for Parade Walk 9:30 AM - Parade Walk 9:45 AM - Goblin Games 11:45 AM - F-24 Qualifying 12:45 PM - Staging of Cars 1:00 PM - F-24 Heat Race 2:45 PM Awards Ceremony Today, we are doing a qualifying push off between JB and Thomas, JB Won! Hopefully, all goes well! Also, we got our side panels in for our car. They look really good. We have been switching around with pit teams and jobs for our team. We are changing for the best and preparing for the worst, just in case we jinx ourselves for this year's race. Hopefully, we will have a good time at the race. We have worked really hard and we cannot wait. We are so close and cannot have anything bad happen to us before or during race day. We need your support too! We have to have your support to keep our spirits up! Our team represents our school as well, so we want to see some familiar faces. We are thankful for the donations we have received so far! We can't believe that we have made it this far in so little of time. Thanks for the help! We are excited to see what this year's race has in store for us. Just in case you haven't read some of our recent blogs, we posted the race day schedule. We posted it to give you an idea or a rundown of what is going on.
With more to come, Green Grizzlies Race Day Schedule: October 31st, Saturday 8:00 AM - F-24 Team Setup 8:30 AM - Pre-Race Safety Meeting 9:00 AM - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:15 AM -Line up for Parade Walk 9:30 AM - Parade Walk 9:45 AM - Goblin Games 11:45 AM - F-24 Qualifying 12:45 PM - Staging of Cars 1:00 PM - F-24 Heat Race 2:45 PM Awards Ceremony Welcome back, Grizzlies. This week we have 2 practices for green power, Wednesday and Friday. Since Friday is a half day, we will be holding practice from 11:30 to 3:00. We have started our presentation and have people assigned to do certain slides on our power point. Our race isn't far away! We have so much to cover too! We have to keep practicing pit as well, to lower our time. As I have said before, we need to lower our pit time down to be able to get more laps down. We are also creating posters for pit stops and our parade walk. They are looking very nice! We cannot wait for the race! We almost can't "bear" the excitement. Along with the terrible pun, I may add that we got new tires. From what I have seen, they look great so far! We have about 12 days until the race, less than two weeks. Time is flying by! As soon as you know it, the only think you will be seeing is Lightening McGreen on the track, zooming around. We need to be creating a strategy to lower our pit times. With that being said, practice makes perfect. Since Friday is our last 90 minute practice, we really have to nip it in a bud. I think we would use less time if we didn't have as many people on pit. We keep getting each other's way and it becoming very difficult to complete the task we were assigned too.
We have gotten so much done, in so little of time.We are so thankful to everyone who has helped us accomplish our goal of being able to have a decent car. Thanks to all our members for associating with us this year and helping out with the car. Thanks to all our members from last year for helping us build the car. Even though we had our slight necessity on race day last year , we made it through and are back this year to get things done. We are thrilled to see what this year's race has in store for us and all our hard work. With more to come, Green grizzlies Happy Friday! Due to me being absent, our other blogger, Connor, did our last two blogs. I think we have made some changes to what we are doing to introduce ourselves to the Greenpower organization. I know for a fact that we have to our presentation has to be impeccable. It cannot have any flaws once so ever! I think we had discussed on making a video of introducing our members and what their jobs were. I think now we are taking pictures and putting them on a poster. We also took pictures today! We did a group photo in our Green Grizzly Polos. We also did individual pictures of our team too. We are working on pit and organizing our pit groups. We are doing this during 8th period today, along with changing our tires.
Our race is 15 days away! It's time to get spooky, grizzlies! If you haven't got the idea yet, our race is on Halloween. Besides my terrible attempt at making a pun, we have got to keep practicing pit to lower our time down. We need to be able to do as many laps as possible. We cannot wait for the race. We are so excited that we have become restless or is that only me? Anyways, save the date, grizzlies! We aren't far at all from race day at all. Be prepared to show some grizzly pride! There's a lot going on today, but not much time to write. With that being said, have a great weekend! Remember: Save the Date! With more to come, Green Grizzlies Today, we are working on the finishing the front wheel covers. They create a design as we drive. We are working on posters for the race, which we are doing the first practice for the race after school. We are also doing the presentation for the race. Lindsey is filming us and what every ones job is. So far the car looks great! We hope for a great practice. Our race is 17 days away!! Save the date and bring your grizzly pride! We can't "bear" the excitement! Besides that terrible pun, remember to save the date for our race. We need all the support we can get. We need you to show show spirit for our team. Not only do we represent our team, but we also represent our school. Make sure you come! Also, we have to start creating a presentation for October 30th. We have to present to the green power organization. We have to make it very professional as if we were presenting for our future job. This is a strategy we need to learn for our future and will possibly use for our future jobs. With that being said, it's very important that we do this and make sure it's top notch and at its best. We are looking forward to blogging for you tomorrow!
With more to come, Green Grizzlies Today, we did pit and got it down to 7.2. We were amazed to be that fast in one of our first practices. We worked on the wheel covers, they look great! We looked at a presentation for green power. Not only do we represent our team, but we also represent our school. Make sure you come! Also, we have to start creating a presentation for October 30th. We have to present to the green power organization. We have to make it very professional as if we were presenting for our future job. This is a strategy we need to learn for our future and will possibly use for our future jobs. Presenting our power point won't be hard, but we have to find the right people to present. We cannot have people freezing or getting nervous before or during presenting. With that being said, it's very important that we do this and make sure it's top notch. Save the date! Our race is 18 days away!! Come bring your green grizzly pride for your favorite green power team!! We are not far away at all and we are counting down the days! We are looking forward to blogging for you tomorrow.
With more to come, Green Grizzlies. Welcome back, Grizzlies! Today, we are practicing pit. We have two different pit groups, Pit A and Pit B. We need to practice because our upcoming race is important to us and absolutely need to give all we got. With that in mind, we need time to practice and we know that forty-five minutes is defiantly not enough time to practice. That being said, we are making a schedule for dates we could be able to practice. Yes, we can not accommodate the weather forecast. We will just have hope it does not rain on our practice days. We plan to start our first practice after school this week on Wednesday. October 30th, we have to do a presentation from 4 PM- 7 PM. The minimum amount of time it has to be is 4 minutes long. The maximum length is 7 minutes long.
This week and next week are very busy weeks for us! We have to eliminate our crucial pit time so we will be able to get as many laps as possible. We our race the 31st and a presentation on the 30th. We have to create a professional power point to present to the rest of the teams in Huntsville and the program. I have also finished editing the "Meet The Tab". The members only provided so much information for the previous editor to input and I am only revising and editing their work. It's very important for us to have a polished website for peers to observe. I believe we get judged on how our website looks. That being said, we must have correct grammar and mechanics in our writing on the website. There cannot be any errors once so ever! If you spot an error, please do comment or politely notify us about any errors. Hopefully, all will go well this week. We really hope it all sails smoothly and we will be able to practice pit. If we are able to fix our pit time, we could have the ability to get more laps. We have to have a strategy! I cannot wait until the race is here! Hope you had a great fall break! With more to come, Green Grizzlies Race Day Schedule: October 31st, Saturday 8:00 AM - F-24 Team Setup 8:30 AM - Pre-Race Safety Meeting 9:00 AM - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 9:15 AM -Line up for Parade Walk 9:30 AM - Parade Walk 9:45 AM - Goblin Games 11:45 AM - F-24 Qualifying 12:45 PM - Staging of Cars 1:00 PM - F-24 Heat Race 2:45 PM Awards Ceremony Happy Friday! Today, we drove our car. It looked really cool! We have made adjustments to the "Meet the Team" tab. We edited all the errors out, that way you can understand what you are reading. We think it will help you guys out. Also, we will not have a blog for all of next week, due to it being fall break. Therefore, when we get back we will have lots to talk about! We haven't been up to much lately, but we are still deciding if we will actually change our car name. We do not have a lot of time before the race to change our name because it takes a lot of time to prepare the decals. We have a lot of name ideas for the car, but some do not fit the criteria. That being so, picking a name will not be easy because some will agree or disagree with names.
It's sad to see it come to an end, but the popsicle sale is now over with because it's getting cold outside. We have to think of more ways to get money during the chilly days. We could sell hot chocolate during the cold season. It would be able to keep you warm and help us make money for our car. What do you guys think about the idea? Would it sell? Would it be approved by Mrs. Bardwell? As the blogger, I like to come up with ideas as I write. I put them on here, so I can get a response from the readers or spectators. Make sure you save our date of our race , October 31st. With more to come, Green Grizzlies We missed Thursday's blog due to making corrections to the website. Thursday was our last day to do sell popsicles. We hope you guys enjoyed buying them. We certainly did! I do not know at the moment of how much we have made so far, but will know after fall break. Thank you guys so much for your contribution to buying popsicles to raise money for car improvements. You made it possible for us to make prior adjustments to our car. We have put our wheel covers on and applied green tap onto them. They look really nice and can't wait to see what they look like when we race the car.
Reminder: Our race is coming up soon! We are trying to jump hurdles in deciding what to name our car and if we are going to rename it. We do not know if we are going to rename it because of the race being so close and we might not be able to get the decals done in time for the race. If we are able to change our name and finish in time for the race, we still have to come up with a catchy, but cool name. We were thinking about "The Black Flash" Or "Green Elite", but another team has a similar name as one of those and we do not want to copy anyone. We are not that kind of team to do that. We need to come up with a name that is representative of our school mascot and team. "The Black Flash" has no relation to our mascot. It has relation to what color it is, but not our name "Green Grizzlies". We will try to come up with more names over break and try to decide if we have enough time. Again, thank you guys so much for your cooperation and contribution to the popsicle sale. Have a wonderful fall break! With more to come, Green Grizzlies |
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