Today we discussed our upcoming spirit night that will be next Tuesday from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. We will be getting our shirts just in time to wear for spirit night. Some are working on finishing posters to put around the school. Christina, Will, and Thomas are cutting the rest of the business cards to hand out at spirit night. We ran out of flyers yesterday, so today we are finishing up sorting the newly-made flyers to give to the homerooms and to possibly hand out at the door of Chick-Fil-A to ensure that we get 10% from every purchase made from 5-8 if they present it at the register when ordering their meal. In eighth period we will be filming our commercial to put on News cast. Our Greenpower spirit night will be a great way to raise money and we hope to see you there.
Answer to yesterday’s riddle: footsteps Joke of the day: Why was 6 afraid of 7? With more to come, Ella and Josh
Today we discussed some options to let others know about our upcoming Greenpower spirit night at Chick-Fil-A next Tuesday. Will is going to ask to put up the information on the marquee outside, and on the school website. Some team members are cutting spirit night cards and dividing them to give to the students in their homeroom. Others are cutting business cards. Christina and Pete are working on our commercial to put on Newscast. The more people are reminded of it, the more people will remember to come. The rest of the team is working on posters to finalize and put around the school.
Riddle of the day: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? With more to come, Ella Today we did our "green" car presentations. These presentations were on the most environmentally friendly cars we could find, and we made a power point presentation and presented them to the entire class. We worked on advertising for our Greenpower spirit night next Tuesday at the Chick-Fil-A on south memorial parkway at 5-8 pm. We worked on making posters for our school hallways and we're currently working on a commercial for our school newscast.
Inspiration of the day, "I've failed over and over again... and that's why I succeed" -Michael Jordan. Explanation: Our team has had room for improvement the last two years but we have gotten better up until this year. Maybe this will be the year. With more to come, Josh Open House was a success! We made fifty-five dollars that we will put in the bank for now. Today we are working on making a comercial for our posicle sale which is going to start soon. The cheesier the better. The commercial will be the coolest, frozen even, popsicle commercial this school has ever seen. Will is making a wishlist for us to put on our website that will include all of the team wants for our car. Build is working on our nose cone design, which is coming together slowly but surely. They have been working diligently to finish the design with a new computer program.
Joke of the day: How did Benjamin Franklin feel when he discovered electricity? Answer to yesterday's riddle: A joke With more to come, Ella Today is going to be a very busy day! We are hard at work getting ready for Open House tonight. We are working on our final poster designs and decorating our donations box. Near the end of the period we will go down and set up our table with our banner and posters. Will and Aiden are folding our brochures, and we are also cutting our business cards. The people working on posters are putting the final designs on our bright green cardstock. This open house is proving to be a great learning experience for all of us; teaching us presentation skills and that tidiness is very key to a successful event.
Riddle of the day: It can be cracked, It can be made, It can be told, it can be played. What is it? With more to come, Ella Today we are working on preperation for Open House tomorrow! Christina is double-checking our brochure and fixing any mistakes that were previously on there. Sadie and Will are working on our buisness cards while the others are working on ideas for posters to hang up around us to let others know what we are about and what we want to do this year. This open house will be a great time to gain donations and let others know what our team does. We will set up our posters and booth tomorrow, but today we are only focusing on posters and what we want them to say. We hope to see you there!
Inspiration of the day: "As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves" - First Doctor As we work together as a team, we learn about each other and what they are good at. We grow together and learn from them, but when we come together we can learn about ourselves too. Our team builds each other up and help them when they need help. We learn about ourselves when we work with others. With more to come, Ella and Josh ShopToday is our first official day in the shop! We discussed that we need to change our business cards slightly to improve their persuasiveness, effectiveness, and aesthetic. The bulid team is now working on putting duct tape over the wheels to improve their speed. There may be trial and error because we do not know if the duct tape will prove useful. The leaders are teaching the new members how to air up the tires and other basics that we need to know to help build the car. Christina is working on quotes from our team for our website and our brochure. Thomas is putting the booklet together and making it look better. Our first day in the shop went really well and we learned a lot!
Answer to yesterday's riddle: stop imagining With more to come, Ella, Ian, and Josh Today we decided that instead of going to DayLit we will be presenting at our open house next tuesday. The team decided that it would be more beneficial because we might not be completely prepared. We also said it would be better to get sponsors from the open house instead of DayLit. We are making business cards to give at any events we attend to. Ian, who has been working on the equation for curvature, is now back in the drawing board because the equation he had does not work. Him and Corbin are now trying to find the correct equation. Parade formations have been swapped around a lot to find the perfect formation.
Riddle of the day: Imagine you are in a dark room. How do you get out? With more to come, Ella Today we discussed a possible upcoming event called Daylit, which is a event for S.T.E.M, that will help us get sponsers. S.T.E.M is a program that incorporates science, technology, engineering, and math in the learning programs. We have been working on our presenting skills and understanding the logistics to Greenpower and our car. Our three leads went around the room and helped explain to the newcomers what we should know and be able to talk about. We discussed that we must be able to be prepared for the event in such little time. Our team must be prepared otherwise possible sponsors will think we are not composed and organized. This is a great learning experience for all of us, and will help us with presentations later in life.
Inspiration of the day: "Believe you can and you're halfway there."- Theodore Roosevelt Our team needs to believe that we can suceed and keep trying even when things do not always work out the first time. Some of our team members do not think we have enough time to have a proper presentation prepared for the event. We need to be unified as a team and believe we will all be prepared and ready for this event. With more to come, Ella Good afternoon Grizzlies,
Today we discussed our wheel cover options, and what we can do to get them. Christina finished the brochure. We are now working on combining our PowerPoints for fundraising, so we can present them to Mrs. Bardwell to help raise money for our team. Will has been working on editing the website and fixing typos. Our website is coming along nicely and we now have updated bios for our team members. Sadie and Sean have been working on our car’s gear ratios meticulously to help us with the different tracks we will be racing on. With more to come, Ella and Josh |
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